正 (zheng) straight, true, correct;
天 (tian) day; heaven; the heaven part of the body (head)
丸 (wan) pills
Sanko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (999)
The rhizome of notopterygium (羌活 qiang huo )
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong (川芎 chuan qiong)
Stem of unkarii (构藤 gou teng)
Chinese wild ginger ( 细辛xi xin)
Ephedra grass (麻黄 ma huang)
The root of pubescent angelica ( 独活 du huo)
The root of Chinese angelica (当归 dang gui)
Peach seed (桃仁 tao ren)
Safflower flower (红州 hong hua)
Rehmannia glutinosa (地黄 di huang)
The root of herbaceous peony (白芍 bai shao )
Cobbler root (防风 fang feng), etc., in total 15 components.
The expulsion of the wind, the revival of blood, food blood, calm the liver, restoration of patency of the collaterals, stops pain.
The perception of external pathogenic wind, bradyhemarrhea, the formation of obstructions in the collaterals, lack of blood, malnutrition of the tissues, activating Yang of the liver and caused by these factors pain in one side of the head (hemicrania), headache of a compressive character, neurogenic headache nature, headache due to osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, premenstrual headache.
After eating 1 bag 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment — 15 days.